\( \newcommand{\cross}{\times} \newcommand{\isom}{\cong} \newcommand{\RP}{\mathbb{RP}} \newcommand{\EE}{\mathbb{E}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}} \newcommand{\orb}{\mbox{orb}} \newcommand{\Isom}{\operatorname{Isom}} \)

MA4H4 Geometric group theory
Term II 2024-2025


Week Date of Monday Topics Lecture notes Example sheet Comments
1 Jan. 6 Admin. Motivation. Groups, examples, and standard exercises. Homomorphisms, isomorphsims, automorphisms. New groups from old: subgroups, direct products, semi-direct products. NIL is isomorphic to the Heisenburg group. Automorphism groups. Group actions. Words, length, empty word, letters, concatenation, subwords, prefixes, suffixes, powers. Inverses, reductions, expansions. Reduced word theorem and the diamond lemma (peak reduction). Free groups, cancellation lemma. Many exercises. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday One

Tuesday: A student asks "What is the universal property of the semi-direct product?"

Thursday: A student points out that the boards are difficult to read on the lecture capture from the Wednesday lecture.

2 Jan. 13 Universal property of free groups. Generators, finitely generated groups, rank. Normal closures, normally generating. Presentations, every group has a presentation, presentations are never unique. Finitely presented groups. Relations versus relators. Many presentations of the trivial group. Non-finitely generated groups. Cayley graphs, groups act on their Cayley graphs via graph automorphisms. Edge paths, edge loops, labels. The Cayley graph of \(F(S)\) is a tree. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Two
3 Jan. 20 Universal property of finite presentations. Word problem, independence from generating set. The word problem is hard. Edge metric, word metric, word norm. Groups act on their Cayley graphs via isometries. Computing from a finite presentation. Different sets of generators give comparable word metrics. Undistorted and distorted subgroups. Geodesics, geodesic words, short lex geodesic words. Short lex representatives, the short lex spanning tree. Volume growth, for free abelian groups, for free groups. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Three

Tuesday: A student asks: "What can be computed from a finite presentation?"

4 Jan. 27 Growth rate is (essentially) invariant under change of generators. Growth characterisation of \(\mathbb{Z}^n\). Sublinear and superexponential growth are impossible. Nilpotent groups. Theorems of Hirsch, Jennings, Bass-Guivarc'h, and Gromov - polynomial growth if and only if virtually nilpotent (and inter-polynomial growth is impossible). Virtual properties. Theorem of Wilkie-van den Dries - linear growth implies virtually \(\mathbb{Z}\). Geodesic rays and lines. Ends of groups. Ends only appear eventually. Ends never die. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Four
5 Feb. 3 Approximate ends, diameter. Ends never die, take two. Number of ends is well-defined, is independent of generating set. The set of ends. Approximate ends contain geodesic rays. The number of ends equals the cardinality of the set of ends. The group acts on its ends. A group has two ends if and only if it is virtually infinite cyclic. Boundaries, separators. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Five Note that I got the definition of "end-equivalence" slightly wrong in lecture on Wednesday. I fixed this in-lecture on Thursday (and in both sets of lecture notes).
6 Feb. 10 Neighbourhoods, geodesic metric spaces. Geodesic triangles, slim triangles, hyperbolic metric spaces. Hyperbolic groups. Examples. Slim quadrilaterals. Non-examples. Local geodesics. Local geodesics (of sufficient quality) embed in hyperbolic spaces. Non-torsion elements exist. Torsion elements are small. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Six

Wednesday: A student asks "Is hyperbolicity (of a finitely presented group) a decidable property?" The answer is "no" because (as we will hopefully prove) \(\mathbb{Z}^2\) never embeds in a hyperbolic group.

Wednesday: The diagram I was trying to draw in class (a geodesic rectangle in the Cayley graph of \(BS(1, 2)\)) is drawn more neatly in the revised lecture notes.

Thursday: A question I asked in class: is there a finitely presented group that has infinitely many conjugacy classes of torsion elements? The answer is "yes" (for example, Houghton's group \(H_3\)), but I do not know of an elementary discussion.

7 Feb. 17
8 Feb. 24
9 Mar. 3
10 Mar. 10