MA9M7 Topics in Geometric Topology
Term II 2022-2023
Week |
Date of Monday |
Topics |
Example sheets |
Lecture notes |
Comments |
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Jan. 9 |
Tuesday: Plan for module. Manifolds. Constructions:
subspaces, disjoint union, cartesian product,
quotients. Examples: sphere, torus, projective space.
Thursday: Manifolds with boundary. The boundary of the
boundary is empty. Bundles. Pairs, maps of pairs. Locally
flat (versus tame) embedded submanifolds. Constructions: wild
knots, tubular neighbourhoods. Examples: ball/disk, Mobius
strip, real projective plane, oriented surfaces (closed,
bounded, punctured), trefoil.
Friday: Existence and uniqueness of regular neighbourhoods.
Knots. Ambient isotopy. Meridian and longitude of knot
exteriors. Fundamental group is a knot invariant (up to
isotopy and reflection). Gordon-Luecke theorem - knot
exterior is a knot invariant. Dehn: left trefoil is not
isotopic to right trefoil. Links are trickier.
Constructions: Knot exteriors. Examples: unknot, right and
left trefoil, figure-eight knot, cinquefoil, third twist knot,
fourth twist knot, granny and reef (square) knots.
Tuesday: Removing any one hypothesis from the definition of
"manifold" permits strange spaces. For many, many strange
examples see the
book Counterexamples
in topology.
Thursday: The book I brought in
was Hyperbolic
knot theory by Purcell.
Friday: The
three-dimensional print I brought,
another variant,
can be found at Shapeways and
at SketchFab.
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Jan. 16 |
No lectures this week as I am travelling.
Lectures restart on Thursday 2023-01-26.
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Jan. 23 |
No lecture on Tuesday.
Thursday: Classification of surfaces. The power of the
fundamental group in low-dimensions. (Tame) spheres are
standard in dimensions one, two, and three. Manifolds (up to
dimension three) are triangulable. Constructions: Connect
sums of manifolds, of manifold pairs, of knots. Examples:
closed surfaces, planar surfaces. Connect sum of projective
spaces. Alexander horned sphere.
Friday: Connect sums of non-orientable manifolds. Chiral and
achiral manifolds. Non-orientable surfaces, surfaces with
boundary. The Jordan-Schoenflies and Alexander theorems (the
two- and three-sphere are prime). Unique factorisations of
knots and three-manifolds. The Gordon-Luecke theorem.
Geometrisation for knot complements. Meridian and longitude
in (framing for) the boundary of a knot complement.
Construction: Connect sums of knots. Torus knots.
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Jan. 30 |
Tuesday: Stereographic projection. The Hopf link and the
Clifford torus. Circle actions on the three-sphere with torus
knot orbits and cosets of one-parameter subgroups. Companion,
pattern, and satellite knots. The cabling conjecture.
Constructions: Torus knots. Satellite knots. Cable knots.
Thursday: Double cosets in isometry groups. Actions and their
properties. Quotients of manifolds are (often) manifolds.
Constructions: Unit tangent bundles of surfaces. Quotient
spaces, elliptic manifolds. Examples: Lens spaces.
Friday: The three-sphere is a Lie group. Manifolds viewed from
above (as geometric quotients) and from below (as
triangulations). Voronoi domains and fundamental
domains. Construction: Lie groups modulo lattices. Examples:
Poincaré homology sphere, the quarter-turn manifold. Lens
Thursday: The article I mentioned
was The
geometries of three-manifolds by Scott.
Friday: The one-half 120-cell print is available
at Shapeways
at SketchFab.
The books I brought in were
topologist's picturebook by Francis and The shape of space by Weeks.
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Feb. 6 |
Tuesday: Handles, handle attachments, and handle decompositions.
Construction: Dehn fillings, Dehn surgery.
No lectures Thursday or Friday due to strikes.
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Feb. 13 |
No lectures Tuesday or Thursday due to strikes.
Friday: One-half lives, one-half dies. The homological
longitude. Spanning surfaces for knots and knot genus.
Half-twisted bands. The homological longitude is isotopic to
the push-off given by any spanning surface. The meridian.
Surgery disks, compressing disks, two-sided surfaces.
Algebraic versus geomtric incompressibility.
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Feb. 20 |
Tuesday: Framings and slopes. Dehn filling. Homology spheres,
and related manifolds. Seifert surfaces and Seifert's
algorithm. Spanning surfaces for torus knots. The annular
slope of a torus knot. Moser's theorem.
Thursday: Algebraic intersection number. Relation to the
determinant when in the torus. Dehn's theorem. The annular
slope is reducible. Farey neighbour slopes. Property P and
the Poincaré conjecture. Gordon-Luecke theorem, cyclic
surgery theorem, Kronheimer-Mrowka. Property R. Cabling
conjecture, Berge conjecture.
Friday: Triangulations, model tetrahedra, model cells, face
pairings, realisations. The homeomorphism problem and
Kuperberg's theorem. NP and FNP for recognition problems,
Lackenby-Schleimer theorem, Jackson's theorem. Knot genus
problem. Polytopes in dimension four - 5-cell, 8-cell,
16-cell, 24-cell, 120-cell, and 600-cell. Conjecture on
minimal triangulations of lens spaces.
Tuesday: See Chapter Five of Rolfsen's
book Knots
and links for a discussion of Seifert surfaces. The
3D prints of Seifert surfaces (for torus knots) can also be found
at SketchFab
at Shapeways.
Thursday: Dehn, in his 1910
paper Uber
die Topologie des dreidimensionalen Raumes (see also Stillwell's
shows that the $1/1$ filling of the right trefoil is the
Poincaré homology sphere. (Amusingly, Dehn claims that the
fundamental group of the PHS is the icosahedral group extended
by a reflection. This is incorrect; the special order two
element of the binary icosahedral group is central so cannot
be a reflection.)
Dehn's result is greatly extended in Moser's 1971
paper Elementary
surgery along a torus knot. In lecture we reproduced
Cameron Cordon's exposition of (a part of) Moser's work.
Further results mentioned in the lecture include: Gordon and
Luecke, Culler-Gordon-Luecke-Shalen (the cyclic surgery
theorem), Kronheimer-Mrowka, Perelman, and Gabai. See also
the expository
paper Eight
faces of the Poincaré homology three-sphere by
Kirby and Scharlemann. (Curiously, they omit Poincaré's
original presentation via Heegaard diagram.)
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Feb. 27 |
Tuesday: Doubles. Edges and model edges. Ideal
triangulations, vertex links and ends of non-compact
manifolds. Angle structures.
Thursday: Giant diagram of relations among properties of
triangulations. (Transverse) taut ideal triangulations,
relation to Thurston norm minimizing surfaces. Veering
triangulations and mapping tori of pseudo-Anosov mapping
classes (Agol's theorem). Veering triangulations and
pseudo-Anosov flows.
Friday: Models of hyperbolic geometry: upper half space and
ball. Isometries. Conformality. Types of isometries
(assumed). Geodesics: classification, asymptotic. Topology
at infinity. PSL(2, C) action on boundary at infinity is
simply three-transitive.
Thursday: Here is
a photo of the
giant diagram.
The census
of veering tringulations contains all (transverse) examples
with at most 16 tetrahedra. The census includes (geometric
and combinatorial) pictures of the induced triangulations of
the boundary tori.
Friday: Scott's BLMS
article The
geometries of three-manifolds gives an excellent overview.
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Mar. 6 |
Tuesday: Ideal hyperbolic tetrahedra. The 24 cross-ratios and
Mobius transformations. Edge parameters and labelling of the
cusp triangles. Complex angles and their relations.
Thursday: (G, X)-structures, the developing map, and holonomy
in the special case of Sim(C). Dil(C), Euc(C), and Trans(C).
Punctured (G, X)-structures. The holonomy about a vertex and
"unpuncturing". Example: Similarity surfaces coming from
quadrilaterals in the plane.
Friday: Example: Presentations of the figure-eight knot
complement, its vertex link. Thurston's hyperbolic structure
on the figure-eight knot complment.
Thursday: Arnaud
Cheritat has made several applets showing various kinds of
surfaces, including similarity surfaces.
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Mar. 13 |
Tuesday: Chimneys and cusps of hyperbolic manifolds.
Completeness criterion. The incompleteness locus is
(sometimes) a geodesic. "Completion is a Dehn filling"
criterion. Geometric triangulations.
No lectures Thursday or Friday due to strikes.
Tuesday: See Figure 4 of Thurston's
article Three-dimensional
manifolds, Kleinian groups, and hyperbolic geometry for an
image of the tiling of the plane corresponding to the point
$(12, 13/2)$ in the Dehn surgery space of the figure-eight
knot complement.
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Mar. 20 |
Friday: Shape variety, tetrahedron and edge equations,
dimension of the shape variety. Map of shapes to holonomies.
Representation variety. Mostow-Prasad rigidity and the
discrete and faithful representation. Dehn surgery space.
Hyperbolic Dehn surgery theorem and its proof. Examples:
Shape variety of figure-eight knot complement.
Friday: In the first break I showed the
program snappy (and
in particular the "inside view" available from the "browse"
command). In the second break I
showed pictures
of Dehn surgery space made (using snappy) by Tracy Hall, Henry
Segerman, and myself.